Arjun Muralidharan

Graduate Student Researcher
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9560
Email: arjunm[at]ece[dot]ucsb[dot]edu

Hi there. I am a PhD candidate working with Dr. Yasamin Mostofi at the ECE department of the University of California Santa Barbara.


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Recent News

Awarded ECE Dissertation Fellowship by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCSB for Spring 2018.
Together with Dr. Yorai Wardi and Dr. Yasamin Mostofi, we had organized a full day workshop on Communication-Aware Control and Robotics at the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.


B.Tech - ECE; Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati 2012
M.S - ECE; University of California Santa Barbara 2014
PhD - ECE; University of California Santa Barbara 2014-Present

Research Interests

My current research is on path planning for connectivity and communication in robotic networks.

Other areas of interest are: Multi-agent systems, Game theory, Information theory, Wireless Communication


Journal Publications

Conference Publications
