Mini-course Announcement:

System Theory on the Eve of the 21st Century

June 28th - July 3rd, 1999

Monastery of Arrábida, Arrábida, PORTUGAL

Arrábida Courses
The last few years have been characterized by exciting new developments in system theory. Breakthroughs in system representations, in the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems, in the design of intelligent adaptive control algorithms, and in the modeling and verification of hybrid systems have greatly contributed to the electrifying and turbulent atmosphere that presently exists within the field. The mini-course "System Theory on the Eve of the 21st Century" brings together a group of experts on system theory to lecture on state-of-the-art topics of current interest in the field - and to speculate on the directions these topics might be headed in the future. The lectures are aimed at an audience consisting of graduate students, researchers, and university professors with back-grounds in System Theory or Applied Mathematics.


Roger Brockett - Harvard University, Alberto Isidori - University of Rome, Petar Kokotovic - University of California, A. Stephen Morse - Yale University, António Pascoal - Instituto Superior Técnico, Shankar Sastry - University of California, João Sentieiro - Instituto Superior Técnico, Jan Willems - University of Groningen.
The technical program is available here.
Arrábida Courses is the first Summer University to be held in Portugal. Created in 1992 by the National Commission for the Commemoration of the Portuguese Discoveries (CNCDP), it offer a program of courses, meetings and lectures at the highest academic and scientific level. For general information on Arrábida Courses (including how to register for the mini-course) please contact the secretariat of Arrábida Courses by mail, phone, fax, or email at the following addresses:
Mail:    Arrábida Courses Secretariat
            Rua dos Bacalhoeiros
            1100 Lisboa
Phone: +351 (1) 888 1965 or 888 01 00
Fax:     +351 (1) 887 33 80 or 888 59 56

For more information please contact:
João P. Hespanha - hespanha at
U.C. Berkeley - Dept. EECS, 275M Cory Hall #1770, Berkeley, CA 94720-1770.

Last update on 4/4/99.