Paper Title: Moment closure approximations for studying stochasticity in biological systems Paper Type: Poster Authors: Abhyudai Singh Joao Hespanha Abstract: The time evolution of a spatially homogeneous mixture of chemically reacting molecules is often modeled using a stochastic formulation, and is motivated by complex reactions inside living cells, where small populations of key reactants can set the stage for significant stochastic effects. In the stochastic formulation, the time evolution of the system is described by a single equation for a grand probability function, where time and species populations appear as independent variables, called the Master equation. However, this equation can only be solved for relatively few, highly idealized cases and generally Monte Carlo simulation techniques are used which are also known as the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA). Since one is often interested in only the first and second order moments for the number of molecules of the different species involved, much effort can be saved by applying approximate methods to produce these low-order moments, without actually having to solve for the probability density function. In this paper, an approximate method for estimating lower-order moments is introduced using moment closure techniques. We show that the evolution of the populations of several species involved in a set of chemical reactions can be modeled by a Stochastic Hybrid System (SHS). Then, the time evolution of the moments of the population is obtained using results from the SHS literature. It has been shown that for such SHSs, if one creates an infinite vector containing all the statistical moments of the populations, the dynamics of this vector are governed by an infinite-dimensional linear ordinary differential equation (ODE). As this infinite-dimensional ODE cannot be solved analytically we approximate it by a finite-dimensional nonlinear ODE, the state of which typically contains the lower-order moments of interest. This technique is commonly referred to as moment closure. Using the recently introduced technique of matching time derivatives between the finite and the infinite-dimensional ODE at some initial time, explicit formulas to construct these finite dimensional ODE approximations are obtained. The striking feature of these formulas are that are independent of the reaction parameters (reaction rates and stoichiometry).To illustrate the applicability of our results, various examples of chemical reacting system which have been inspired from gene regulatory networks and other biological examples are presented.