Research Program


Behrooz Parhami: 2007/06/19  ||  E-mail:  ||  Problems:

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On June 19, 2007, Professor Parhami's UCSB ECE website moved to a new location. For an up-to-date version of this page, visit it at the new address:

Professor Parhami has been involved in computing research for over three decades. During this period, he has participated in many research endeavors and has published more than 220 technical papers in journals and international conferences (see his publication list). His research projects involve aspects of computer system hardware that are captured by the abbreviation “PQRS”.

Performance: includes latency, speedup, throughput
Quality: includes accuracy, cost-effectiveness, usability
Reliability: includes correctness, timeliness, safety
Scalability: includes modularity, packageability, expandability

His current area of research is “computer design and architecture”. Within this rather broad field, his active interests span three subareas:

  • Computer Arithmetic, where he studies unconventional number representation schemes and has pioneered the discussion of generalized signed-digit number systems, along with associated encoding schemes and arithmetic algorithms, as a unified framework for dealing with redundant representations and finding optimal designs with a wide range of technologies including binary, multi-valued, and optical logic implementations. He also works on arithmetic error codes and table-based implementations of arithmetic functions.

  • Parallel Processing, where he deals with scalability issues, interconnection architectures, and cost-effective designs for various application areas, including special-purpose search processors. His contributions in this area include the design of one of the first database processors, a widely referenced classification and survey of associative processor architectures, and, more recently, design of robust algorithms for meshes, proposal and evaluation of periodically regular chordal ring networks, unifying theories for interconnection networks, and a variety of hierarchical or multilevel interconnection networks.

  • Dependable Computing, also known as fault-tolerant computing, where he has contributed to the design of fault-tolerant associative processors, studied properties of arithmetic error codes, and proposed a systematic data-driven methodology for the design and evaluation of ultrareliable hardware/software systems and associated voting schemes. He also works on the design of robust parallel algorithms that exhibit graceful degradation even without redundant hardware resources.

Besides the aforementioned areas of current research interest, Professor Parhami was heavily involved in research on technology transfer and language-dependent issues in computer technology and applications until the late 1980s. He made numerous contributions to adapting information technology to the needs of Persian-language computing and user interfaces and is recognized as a pioneer in this area.

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.  Albert Einstein


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Dr. Behrooz Parhami, Professor

                     Office phone: +1 805 893 3211
E-mail:                 Messages: +1 805 893 3716
Dept. Electrical & Computer Eng.                  Dept. fax: +1 805 893 3262
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara                Office: Room 5155 Eng. I
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9560 USA                      Deliveries: Room 4155 Eng. I