University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Robot Dynamics and Control

Lab Materials

Course Homepage Homework Lecture Materials Laboratories

A: Lab Group A meets 4-7pm Monday.
B: Lab Group B meets 6-9pm Wednesday. (Tentative schedule!)
C: Lab Group C meets 7-10pm Monday.
There will be 6 lab sessions.

Labs 2, 4, and 6 will each include a contest, for fun (and small amounts of extra credit).

Laboratory Assignment Turn-in Policy. Unless otherwise stated, homework is due at 5pm (on the date specified), in the Dropbox outside HFH 3120A.

Week  Lab #  Dates
(All Groups) 
    Lab nickname       Handouts and Downloadable Files for Lab

1-N/A(No Lab This Week.)
21A/B/C: 10/8/2012 Lab 1: Intro: Data Logging and Motor ID Files for Pre1ab 1: prelab1.pdf , prelab1_thetas.mat, LawOfCosines.m.
Prelab 1 was due: Oct. 5, 2012.
Files for Lab 1: lab1_tasks.pdf, ME147D_handout1.pdf, ME147D_handout2.pdf,
lab1.mdl, USBLog.m
3-N/A(No Lab This Week.)
42A/C: 10/22/2012
B: 10/24/2012
Lab 2: 2-link Arm Control Contest No prelab for Lab 2.
Files for Lab 2: lab2.pdf, lab2_Fall2012.mdl, build_your_controller.m, BluetoothLog.m,
HW2_pongtoss_example_data.pdf, ang2xy.m, xy2ang.m, trajectory_draw.m,
Lab 2 Report due Oct. 29. (See Lab 1 and Lab 2 handouts for required data and plots. You are encouraged to keep the write-up concise, so long as data and calculations are clear.)
53A/C: 10/29/2012
B: 10/31/2012
Lab 3: Intro to Omnibot prelab3.pdf due Oct. 29, omnibot.MOV, omnibot_square.MOV.
Omnibot_Velocity_Kinematics (also linked via Lecture 7 notes)
Files for Lab 3: lab3.pdf, lab3_Fall2012.mdl, build_your_controller.m
6-N/A(No Lab This Week. Midterm is Nov. 6, 2012.)
7-84A/C: 11/19/2012
B: 11/20/2012
Lab 4: Omnibot Control Contest See Problem 1 in Homework 4. This lab uses the same omnibot (and mdl files) used in Lab 3.
Files for Lab 4: lab4.pdf
Lab 3/4 report due Wed., Nov. 28 at 6pm
94A/C: 11/26/2012
B: 11/28/2012
Lab 5: Inverted Pendulum (IP) Robot Files for Prelab 5: prelab5.pdf, lego_params.m, sample_lqr.m, segway_eom.m, Lecture13and14_withMATLAB.pdf
Files for Lab 5: lab5.pdf, lab5_worksheet.pdf
104A/C: 12/3/2012
B: 12/5/2012
Lab 6: IP Robot Control Contest Files for Lab 6: lab6.pdf
Lab 5/6 report due Fri., Dec. 7 at 5pm

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Last Updated: December 3, 2012