The ECE Current Newsletter – Fall 2016 (pdf)
Table of Contents
Letter from Joao Hespanha, ECE Chair: the Mechanical and Electrical and Computer Engineering depts. join forces in an event to showcase student Senior capstone projects; updates of laboratories and equipment; and weekly graduate student coffee hour
Feature Page: 2016 National Medal of Technology and Innovation — Professor Arthur Gossard: receives the 2016 NMTI from President Obama at a White House ceremony
New Faculty: Spotlight on Assistant Professor Yon Visell, RE Touch Lab
Spotlights: Q&A with ECE alum Diego Rey, founder and Head of Research at GeneWEAVE; Faculty Mentorship — Professor Yuan Xie; and Student Spotlight — UCSB Hyperloop team
Research: ECE Research Initiative — Associate Professor Jonathan Klamkin, Integrated Photonics Laboratory (iPL)
Recognitions: Faculty — J. Bowers, A. Busetto, S. DenBaars, J. Johnson, J. Klamkin, H. Lee, C. Schow, U. Mishra; Students — Roger Wood Award (B. Sandler – CE and B. Canty – EE), The Herbert Kroemer Fellowship (C. Zhang); 2016 Capstone Winners; and ECE Donors and Corporate Affiliates — 2015-16