spencer smith in the lab
Photo: Spencer Smith, UCSB
Courtesy: Spencer Smith, SLAB

The ECE Department is known for its high-impact, interdisciplinary research and collaboration – many revolutionary innovations have been developed by ECE research and our faculty continue to pioneer new technical frontiers

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News Briefs

Kroemer – UCSB Library Acquires Faculty Papers

Kroemer – UCSB Library Acquires Faculty Papers

Nobel Laureate & ECE professor emeritus Herb Kroemer's collection was donated by his daughters. It contains research and teaching papers, ephemera and digital materials related to his career.

Mitra – Bavarian Acad. of Sci. & Humanities

Mitra – Bavarian Acad. of Sci. & Humanities

ECE Prof. Emeritus Sanjit Mitra elected as a Corresponding Member.  BADW appoints scholars whose research contribute to the increase of knowledge within their subject.

MRL - NSF Renews Funding

MRL - NSF Renews Funding

Profs. U. MishraS. DenBaars & S. Nakamura part of the history of UCSB's Material Research Lab's Interdisciplinary Research Groups

Bowers – Conjoined 'Racetracks' & New Optical Device

Bowers – Conjoined 'Racetracks' & New Optical Device Possibilities

ECE Prof. John Bowers and Caltech Prof. K. Vahala research groups make a breakthrough in the way the short pulses form in an important new material called ultra-low-loss silicon nitride (ULL nitride).

Nakamura – "Conventional Wisdom"

Nakamura – "Conventional Wisdom"

ECE and Materials Prof. Shuji Nakamura interviewed by Forbes – "Never Stop Challenging The Conventional Wisdom, And This Nobel Prize Winner Shows Why"