Jul 15 (Wed): "High Power CMOS SOI Switches," Cameron Hill, ECE PhD Defense

Date and Time
Zoom Meeting – https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/95653543719?pwd=REo3bHBjZGY4anVldG1keGE5ZjErZz09 (Password: 298142)



In-band full duplex (IBFD) theoretically allows for a doubling of spectral efficiency but is limited by self-interference (SI) from the transmitter to the receiver.  A combination of antenna-isolation/circulators, analog cancellation, and digital cancellation can achieve high levels of self interference cancellation, but is still not enough to enable high-sensitivity IBFD operation.  An additional layer of cancellation can be added in the code-domain. RF code-domain DSSS-CDMA approaches has been shown to add an additional 40-50 dB of SI cancellation.  However, in order to make code-domain techniques compatible with other SI cancellation techniques, the interface must be RF-invisible and placed directly at the antenna interface.  This requires RF-signal processing techniques in both the TX and RX halves of the tranceiver.  This work focuses on the development of high-power, high modulation bandwidth switches in cost-effective CMOS SOI processes which enable the transmitter side of code-domain SI without interfering with other self-interference cancellation techniques. First, theory groundwork of trade-offs between linearity, power-handling, and insertion loss in CMOS switches will be discussed. Then a variety of modulators based on this theory with fractional bandwidths (FBWs) approaching 50% and power handling of up to 40 dBm will be explained. Next, signal processing techniques to reduce unnecessary out-of-band (OOB) emissions will be given. Finally, the applications of these techniques in full-duplex systems, and further applications are discussed.


Cameron Hill received his B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA, in 2015. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree with the RF and Mixed-signal Integrated Circuits Lab, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. His research is focused on transceiver design and the application of high-power CMOS radio frequency (RF) and millimeter-wave switches.

Hosted by: Professor Jim Buckwalter

Submitted by: Cameron Hill <cameron_hill@ucsb.edu>