Apr 7 (Wed): "Network Systems: Social Networks and Epidemics," Pedro Cisneros, ECE PhD Defense
In this talk, I will first present mathematical models that explain the evolution of interpersonal relationships in a social network, represented by a sign graph, converging to structures that have a long history in sociology - namely, structural and clustering balance. Then, I will present a simple model for the evolution of opinions over sign graphs, including the aforementioned special structures. Then, I will present an important phenomenon that occurs on the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model of epidemics: the emergence of a new epidemic domain of bistability when higher-order interaction among individuals are considered on the contact network. Finally, I will present an algorithm for the computation of Wasserstein barycenters, and show a connection with the theory of opinion dynamics.
Pedro Cisneros is a PhD Candidate at the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of our university.
Hosted by: Prof. Francesco Bullo
Submitted by: Pedro Cisneros <pacisneros@ucsb.edu>