Feb 14 (Mon) @ 2:00pm "Molecular Communications: Alice and Bob “talk” inside our cells," Minji Kim, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine
Traditional communications theorists have developed ways to transmit information efficiently and reliably through data compression and error correction methods, which enabled us to connect through advanced wireless technologies. Such communications also occur within our cells, where our genomes are organized inside the 3-dimensional space. I leverage genomic technologies to probe the physical interactions among regions of the human genome. Key questions are: if these contacts (or chromatin loops) are essential for proper cellular functions; when do the connections form; and who are Alice and Bob (key transcription factors) of molecular biology. I apply concepts from information theory and signal processing to develop computational algorithms that can help answer these biological questions.
Minji is a postdoctoral research associate at the Jackson Laboratory (JAX), studying the communications happening inside the cells of human and mice. With BS, MS, and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from UC San Diego (UCSD) and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), she applies concepts from information theory and signal processing to interpret genomics data. Her research has been supported by the NIH Pathway to Independence Award and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Hosted by: ECE Department
Submitted by: Olivia La Pierre <cao-academic@ece.ucsb.edu>