Mar 7 (Mon) @ 2:00pm: "Next Generation Intelligent and Secured Wireless World: From IoT and Sensors to Wideband and Multi-bands Scalable Circuit and System,” Najme Ebrahimi, UFL
Passcode: 633724
The future intelligent and secured wireless world needs connectivity at any time anywhere and under severe multipath and weather environments with over one trillion sensors and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices connected to the cloud. The autonomous, and yet connected, wireless world requires sensing and high-data-rate communications, accurate localization and ranging, and resiliency. To this end, acquiring wideband/multiband high frequency scalable arrays are required for future 6G and beyond to tackle critical issues such as compensating for channel fading and multi-path diffraction effects. Furthermore, a multi-band or wideband localization/ranging system is also essential for future intelligent wireless sensor node (WSN) to mitigate the effect of multipath signals and fading in ultra-dense environments.
In this talk, firstly, I will present novel techniques to overcome the challenges for future wideband scalable high data-rate MMW transceiver arrays, from silicon device-centric circuits to radio-frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) and packaging. I will also discuss several future directions towards wideband and high-frequency signal generation and modulation based on integrating the circuit and electromagnetics fundamental theories for communication and sensing above 100 GHz. The 3D heterogeneous integration of a wideband modulator/demodulator with III-V PA/LNA chips and antenna array elements will be also discussed. I will also present the first bidirectional circuitry for IoT transponder that reciprocally generates harmonics and subharmonics, dual band frequencies based on a novel nonlinear ring resonator (NRR) with standing wave resonation. The proposed solutions for IoT and RFID covers two communication frequency bands interchangeably, which makes it a premier technique compared to the conventional approaches. We will also discuss future advanced multi-band reconfigurable architecture for WSN compatible with AI-aided protocols for physical layer security, joint communications, and localization.
Najme Ebrahimi is an Assistant Professor at the University of Florida. Her research focuses on mm-Wave/THz high data rate communication and sensing as well as the security and connectivity of the next generation of distributed Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks. She was a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Michigan- Ann Arbor from 2017 to 2020 under the departmental fellowship. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego in June 2017, with an emphasis on enabling high data rate and scalable mm-wave phased array for the next generation of smart wireless world. She is the recipient of the 2021 DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA). She was selected as a Rising Star by MIT EECS Rising Star program in 2019 and by ISSCC Rising Star program of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society in 2020. She is a member of MTT-14, Microwave and MM-Wave Integrated Circuits committee. She also served in the IMS2022 Technical Paper Review Committee (TPRC).
Hosted by: Prof. Jim Buckwalter
Submitted by: Jim Buckwalter <>