May 20 (Fri) @ 11:00am: "Indium Phosphide Photonic Integrated Circuits for CO2 Lidar," Victoria Rosborough, ECE PhD Defense
Zoom Meeting – Meeting ID: 83508321406 | Passcode: 650899
Photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology will enable a future of ubiquitous compact sensors. One application space that can be disrupted by a PIC-enabled sensor is remote Earth science sensing. A photonic integrated lidar satellite module would greatly reduce the size, weight, and power of science instruments, making data collection much more affordable and accessible.
In this work, a PIC was designed, fabricated, and characterized for a carbon dioxide integrated path differential absorption (IPDA) lidar system operating at 1572 nm. Key achievements include demonstration of a novel method for one-step definition of variable coupling coefficient laser mirror gratings, a novel implementation of a low residual amplitude modulation phase modulator design, and demonstration of carbon dioxide absorption line sampling using the lidar PIC.
Victoria Rosborough is a PhD candidate in Professor Jonathan Klamkin's group in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. She received an M.S. in applied physics from the University of Oregon, Eugene, OR in 2013 and a B.S. in physics from Mary Baldwin University, Staunton, VA in 2012. Her research interests include photonic integrated circuits for free space communication and sensing.
Hosted by: Professor Jonathan Klamkin
Submitted by: Victoria Rosborough <>