Aug 16 (Wed) @ 2:00: "Towards Terabit-Scalable Silicon Photonic Datacenter Interconnects," Andrew Netherton, ECE PhD Defense
In order for high-capacity optical communication links to be adopted at increasingly shorter length scales, they must be able to outperform established electrical interconnects in key metrics such as cost, footprint, and energy consumed per bit. This defense will outline progress on developing 10 Tbps silicon photonic DWDM transceiver systems with local area bandwidth densities exceeding 5 Tbps/mm^2 and capable of sub-pJ/bit energy consumption.
Andrew Netherton is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara, advised by Professor John Bowers.
Hosted by: Professor John Bowers
Submitted by: Andrew Netherton <>