May 22 (Mon) @ 10:00am: “ICs, Modules and Links for 200-300 GHz Wireless Communications,” Utku Soylu, ECE PhD Defense
There is an increasing demand for high data-rate wireless communications. In this research, we develop next-generation wireless communication systems (200-300 GHz), as millimeter frequencies permit a much larger spectrum, and shorter wavelengths provide massive MIMO array and high image resolution. This thesis focuses on building the necessary hardware and infrastructure for such systems.
In the first part of the dissertation, we investigate two important building blocks: low noise amplifiers (LNAs) and frequency multipliers. We present a comprehensive study on multi-stage LNA design based on low total (cascaded) noise figure, i.e., noise measure (NM). 200 GHz LNAs in common-base (CB) and common-emitter (CE) topologies were presented with record noise figure among HBT technologies: 7.4±0.7 dB over 196-216 GHz (CB) and 7.2±0.4 dB over 196-216 GHZ (CE). Next, 280 GHz frequency multipliers (8:1 and 16:1) are presented with record spectral purity. The 8:1 frequency multiplier generates −0.6 dBm output power and has a 3-dB bandwidth of 48 GHz. Spurious harmonics are suppressed by more than 28 dBc over the 3-dB bandwidth. The 16:1 frequency multiplier generates −0.6 dBm output power and has a 3-dB bandwidth of 44 GHz. Spurious harmonics are suppressed by more than 26 dBc over the 3-dB bandwidth.
In the second part of the dissertation, 200 and 280 GHz broadband transceivers using Teledyne 250 nm InP HBT technology are presented. The 280 GHz transmitter IC has a peak conversion gain of 21.6 dB with 36 GHz of 6-dB modulation bandwidth with 1535 mW dissipation. The measured saturated output power is 14.1 dBm at 272 GHz. The 280 GHz receiver IC has a peak conversion gain of 22 dB with 34.5 GHz of 6-dB modulation bandwidth with 455 mW dissipation. The measured double sideband (DSB) noise figure is 10.8 dB at 281.5 GHz. These are the record output power and noise figure reported at around 280 GHz. The 200 GHz transmitter IC has a record output power (15.3-16.5 dBm) and efficiency (2.71- 3.57%) over 195-200 GHz. The 200 GHz receiver IC has a record DSB noise figure (7.7-9.3 dB) over 200-212 GHz.
Finally, we demonstrate packaged 200 GHz 1-channel transmitter and receiver modules with series-fed microstrip patch antennas on glass using 200 GHz transmitter and receiver chips. The packaged transmitter module has effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 21.6 dBm with 20 GHz 3-dB modulation bandwidth and +/-35 degree beamwidth. The packaged receiver module has a 14 GHz 3-dB modulation bandwidth and +/-35 degree beamwidth. Modules can support a wide range of modulation schemes (i.e., QPSK, 16QAM). The link measurements at 7.2 meters showed 10.2% error vector magnitude (EVM) during 30 Gb/s, 64 quadratic-amplitude modulation (QAM) transmission. The integrated transmitter and receiver modules can be used for a broad range of applications, including wireless backhaul, imaging, and radar applications.
Utku Soylu received the B.S. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey in 2018, and the M.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA in 2019. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the same department. In summer 2021, he joined Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, USA as an mm-Wave ASIC research intern. In summer 2022, he joined IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA as a quantum research intern. His current research interests include circuit, module, and system design for 200-300 GHz wireless communication links, as well as cryo-CMOS circuit design for quantum computers. He received Analog Devices Inc. Outstanding Student Designer Award in 2022 and the UCSB ECE department Herb Kroemer Dissertation Fellowship in Spring 2023.
Hosted by: Prof. Mark Rodwell
Submitted by: Utku Soylu <>