Sep 20 (Fri) @ 11:00am: "Development of Advanced DLTS Applied to Next Generation of Materials and Devices," Christopher Clymore, ECE PhD Defense
The demand for improved power conversion, 5G/6G telecom, and other RF applications necessitates the development of devices with, variously, higher frequency of operation, higher output power, greater efficiency, and higher blocking voltages. This drives the development of new devices with shorter gate lengths, higher power, and the research of new material systems. Device and material characterization and modeling methods must also advance to keep up with these changing technologies. This thesis focuses on the development of device characterization techniques for present and future device structures. First, the electrical properties of Ga2O3 and GaN interfaces were investigated for future heterogenous devices, leveraging the high current and frequency capability of GaN with the high blocking voltage of Ga2O3. Secondly, existing Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) techniques were reviewed, and a new advanced DLTS technique was developed and qualified. Lastly, the first comparison of W-band active and passive loadpull was completed, qualifying the state-of-the-art W-band active vector loadpull system at UCSB which was then used to characterize the first 1-Watt-class 94 GHz GaN RF power transistor. These characterization techniques will be leveraged for the development and maturation of next-generation electronic, power, and optoelectronic devices.
Christopher Clymore is currently a PhD candidate in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineer (ECE) at UCSB. He received his MS degree in electrical engineering from UCSB in 2020, and his BSE in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan in 2019. His research interests include RF semiconductor devices, RF device characterization and modeling, linearity measurements, trap extraction, and large signal measurements.
Hosted by: Professor Umesh Mishra
Submitted by: Christopher Clymore <>