June 2 (Thu) @ 8:30am–4:45pm: "2022 CE (ECE 189) and EE (ECE 188) Capstone Senior Project Presentations"

Date and Time
photo students presenting their project

An event held by the ECE Department to showcase Computer Engineering (CE) & Electrical Engineering (EE) student teams & their “Capstone” senior year design projects

Date: June 2 (Thu) from 8:30 am – 4:45 pm (see full schedule below)

Location: Engineering Science Bldg (ESB), Rm. 1001 and Courtyard

Parking: Closest Visitor Parking to ESB is Lot 16 and Lot 18 ---> ESB Area Map

To learn about the projects (presentation times, descriptions, team members and sponsors) and more information:

MORNING (8:30 to 11:45 am in ESB, Room 1001): Computer Engineering (ECE 189) Project Presentations

  • 8:30am --> Light Breakfast & Coffee, Tea & OJ
  • 8:45 to 11:30 --> CE Project Presentations
  • 11:30 --> CE Awards

LUNCH 11:45 am to 1:00 pm (ESB Courtyard): Posters & Projects & Pizza

AFTERNOON (1:00 to 4:45 pm in the ESB, Room 1001): Electrical Engineering (ECE 188) Project Presentations

  • 1:00pm to 3:00 --> EE Project Presentations
  • 3:00 --> Cookies & Coffee, Tea & Lemonade
  • 3:10 to 4:30 --> more EE Project Presentations
  • 4:30 --> CE Awards