Manjunath: COVID-19 Research
ECE Professor B.S. Manjunath contributes to the worldwide fight against the Coronavirus

Contributing to the worldwide fight against the Coronavirus, researchers at Vision Research Laboratory, UCSB, in collaboration with Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, are working on an AI paradigm that will identify characteristic differences in Computated Tomography (CT) scans between COVID-19 and other similar types of viral pneumonia. Dr. Ashutosh Shelat, radiologist at Cottage Hospital and collaborator on this project, notes distinguishing other viral pneumonia from COVID-19 is difficult, even for experts, and can lead to nonspecific recommendations and diagnosis. S. Shailja, a graduate student in ECE, and B.S. Manjunath, ECE Chair and Director of the Center for Multimodal Big Data Science and Healthcare, are building computer vision models to detect characteristic signatures in lung CT scans of COVID-19 patients. In addition to aiding radiologists in diagnostic differences between COVID-19 and other viral pneumonia, this research will focus on differentiating the U.S. demographic from other worldwide sources and thus remove concerns of genetic drift of SARS-CoV2 over its progression. Methods developed will be available online using the UCSB BisQueMD web portal.
The ECE Current "ECE COVID-19 | Recent Research" (full article page 16)