ECE News

September 20, 2024

ECE Professor Behrooz Parhami's course ECE 594BB on Elections Math is the subject of the new graduate seminar

September 13, 2024

The Nanofabrication Facility and ECE's Demis John participate in "TechTopia" an innovation and research event that combines industry, UCSB labs, and South Coast companies along with local students and career opportunities

September 3, 2024

Arnab Pal, a recent ECE Doctoral Graduate in ECE, receives a PhD Student Fellowship from the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) for "exploiting atomically thin materials for energy efficient electronics"


August 28, 2024

ECE graduate student Wesley Mills among four COE aspiring engineers to receive a 2024 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship

August 21, 2024

ECE Professor Jon Schuller and Physics Prof. Andrew Jayich selected by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to be an Experimental Physics Investigator

July 31, 2024

ECE Assoc. Prof. Kerem Çamsarı and Mechanical Engineering Prof. Francesco Bullo and the understanding of synchrony in oscillatory systems

July 26, 2024

Shuji Nakamura and Steve DenBaars continue work to increase the efficiency of LED lighting

July 25, 2024

ECE Ass't. Prof. Mahnoosh Alizadeh aims to reshape how people consume electricity in their homes

ECE Spotlights

ECE Profs John Bowers, Steve DenBaars, Shuji Nakamura, Mahnoosh Alizadeh, Galan Moody & Umesh Mishra have played a vital role in the creation and current activities in The Institute for Energy Efficiency (IEE)
Jung reflects on sacrifices and encourages fellow engineering grads to pay it forward and improve the world for future gens
Degree Sought from UCSB: BS/MS in Electrical Engineering
UCSB's Institute for Energy Efficiency (IEE) is a world leader in developing breakthrough energy-saving innovations. Learn more about our collaborative researchers.
Hometown: Portland, OR
25 Million Views! The blue LED was supposed to be impossible—until the young engineer Shuji Nakamura proposed a moonshot idea (Veritasium YouTube)
ECE Ass't Prof Yao Qin’s group addresses degradation in performance stemming from robustness issues to help treat those with type-1 diabetes